Smash hat goomba
Smash hat goomba

smash hat goomba smash hat goomba

Canon Immigrant: Hat Goomba debuted in a Team Level UP video, which normally isn't canon to the main series.Butt-Monkey: Toads, Goombas, and Waluigi are often on the receiving end of comic mistreatment, and even when Waluigi wins he still tends to get hurt somehow.But for Me, It Was Tuesday: Eyepatch Goomba had previously encountered Mario as a regular Goomba and isn't surprised when Mario doesn't remember him from back then.Similarly, Luigi getting the Weird Mushroom allows him to fold himself and stretch to uncomfortably long lengths. Body Horror: One of the Cursed Mushroom effects has Mario's body fall apart pixel by pixel, while another turns him into a block.One Mario zombie somehow even gets his own extra lives. If Mario died by zombification, his old body will remain even when he respawns and it may try to attack him. Body Backup Drive: This is how extra lives work in some episodes.Big Bad: Magikoopa for the Mariocraft series.Mario fails to defeat the Goombas in the Giant Goomba Maze, letting them continue their revolution unopposed.Averted in the Sonic short, where Tails is able to solve the impossible question and calm him down. A good deal of the shorts involving Baldi have him winning in the end.Balloon Bowser gives Mario a similar treatment. If Fighting Bowser Had An Impossible Mode 2 has Bowser defeat Mario on every single life.Mario Party Mayhem has Wario and Waluigi beat Mario and Luigi in a mini-game.Badass Normal: Eyepatch Goomba doesn't use any power-ups, instead using improved skills that most other Goombas don't know such as wall jumping and roll attacks.Author Appeal: Some videos feature Ditto to some extent.Sir Buppington's name was picked from a response to a post on Twitter asking what to name the Toad Warrior.The one million subscribers video was a collaboration with fans, using many of their suggestions in the video.Balloon Bowser is a gigantic inflatable version of the Koopa King.When Mario touches a Colossal Mushroom he grows so big he straddles the planet.Subverted with Rise of Hat Goomba, where it turns out that he's working with Gold Goomba, making him a Canon Immigrant. Alternate Continuity: For the most part, the Team Level UP videos aren't canon to the main series.

Smash hat goomba