While making a budget would normally come first, it might be easier to see the average costs of planes before working it into your budget. Crafting the Budget for Your Plane Purchase
You’ll need more than a private pilot’s license if you’re planning on piloting a twin-engine propeller aircraft or a jet. But if you’d like to fly several people and go for longer distances, then a private pilot’s license is the best option.

If you simply aim to be an occasional or weekend flyer who goes up for an hour or so alone or with one other person in a single-engine propeller plane, then a recreational or sport pilot certificate may be adequate. For even less money and time you could get a sport pilot certificate, but it also carries the most restrictions on where, when and with whom you can fly. Besides the well-known private pilot’s license, you could get a recreational pilot certificate, which is less expensive than a private pilot’s license and takes less time to get but has some restrictions. If you don’t already have a license to fly then Step One is becoming a pilot, that is, deciding what kind of pilot’s license or certificate you will need. Choosing the Type of Flying Certificate or License You Need