I might even try to do 500 early and then wrap up those last 250s Late in the afternoon primarily because some of my ideas speak to me in the evening or during a walk. I just noticed that the running word count is at the bottom of the page so I can shoot for that 750 every day. Hoping this might be a good answer because it gives me a routine. I want to start writing about some of the photographs I’ve taken. I don’t want to get ahead of myself but just some ideas here. So it might even be good to do a quick note after a walk as well as one in the morning. You know sometimes when you’re just existing and you see things and they pop into your head, almost how things often pop in my head on a walk. I think it’s also a great way to flush out some ideas. Helps me get things off my chest in a private environment sort of like visiting a shrink but even better because I can go to back and look at how I was feeling on that day. I like the idea of using morning pages to clear the mind, almost meditative. I also put things on my blog once a month but I need a place to flush out some ideas and concepts. Then I tried using Evernote had some good runs but generally would forget about it and get busy with other things. I’ve tried the morning pages concept in the past through journaling, I just have horrible handwriting and didn’t work too well. Speech to text flow of consciousness grammatical errors included. I also think it’s a nice alternative to meditation especially for people that have lots of voices and ideas floating around their heads especially when they’re sitting still with their eyes closed. The cool thing is that it’s really a great way to simply clear your mind in the morning by writing any random stuff that’s in your head down on paper. This is really a tool for people who would like to improve their writing but don’t want to constantly try to publish things on social media or writing sites like .ħ50 words will help you create a healthy writing habit by tracking your daily word count and writing habits. It wasn’t exactly what I was looking for but I decided to give the 750 Words tool a shot. I was doing a quick search about writing habits and boom, three or four great articles I had previously saved showed up in my search. I just discovered a note I saved in Evernote in 2013. A daily mind clearing exercise that’s a productive alternative for those who struggle with meditation.